How to connect my Sim Gauges devices to computer?

Connecting SimGauges is very simple, all available devices are PLUG & PLAY. 

Just use the USB cable (added to the product), and simply connect to the USB port in your computer.  Then check if you see your device in the device manager, it should be in the COM PORT tab (named like "USB-SERIAL CH340"). If you don't see it on the list try a different USB port.

Use HDMI cable to connect the Sim Gauges device to your computer and connect it by the power supply to a power socket. And that's everything from the hardware side, check the next tab to find out how to settle the connection between devices and MSFS or X-Plane.

How to set up Sim Gauges devices to use with Microsoft Flight Simulator?

  1. Download our connection application from this LINK. (if you cannot download the file, please try a different browser like Mozilla or Opera)
  2. Unpacked into any folder on your disk.
  3. Install it by running the SimGaugesMSFSapp.msi file.
  4. Run the "Sim Gauges - MSFS.exe" as an administrator. You should see in the logs module that WASM was installed.
  5.  Run Microsoft Flight Simulator.
  6. Choose your beloved plane with the G1000 module inside.
  7. Click on the application button - "One click connect". If everything goes well you will be able now to have some fun with your new Sim Gauges simulator device.
  8. Blue sky  

How to set up Sim Gauges devices to use with X-Plane?

  1. Download our connection application from this LINK. (if you cannot download the file, please try a different browser like Mozilla or Opera)
  2. Unpacked into any folder on your disk.
  3. Install it by running the Setup.exe file.
  4. Run the "Sim Gauges - X-Plane.exe" as an administrator.
  5.  Run X-Plane 12.
  6. Choose your beloved plane with the G1000 module inside.
  7. Click on application button - "One click connect". If everything goes well you will be able now to have some fun with your new Sim Gauges simulator device.
  8. Blue sky  

What are the differences between the Sim Gauges GDU 1040, 1040A, 1044B and 1055?

Click on the below link to a find detailed explanation - LINK

How to update the connector app?

  1. Uninstall the current SIM GAUGES connector app.
  2. Download the newest one from this page.
  3. Install it.


List of compatible planes in MSFS 2024 with Sim Gauges G1000

Click on the below link to find full list of compatible planes in MSFS 2024 with Sim Gauges G1000 - LINK

List of compatible planes in MSFS 2020 with Sim Gauges G1000

Click on the below link to find full list of compatible planes in MSFS with Sim Gauges G1000 - LINK

How to place G1000 screens from MSFS 2020 onto Sim Gauges G1000 devices?

Click on the below link to find a easy guide on how to place G1000 screens from Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) onto Sim Gauges G1000 devices. - LINK

How to use Sim Gauges G1000 as GNS 530 or 430 in MSFS?

To find out how to use G1000 as GNS 530 or 430 click - LINK


List of compatible planes in X-Plane 12 with Sim Gauges G1000

Click on the below link to find full list of compatible planes in X-Plane with Sim Gauges G1000 - LINK

How to edit X-Plane 12 G1000 bitmaps to display only the screens?

Click the below link to find out how to make it - link


... MSFS issue with lower FPS rate

Unfortunately, this is a common issue related to specific combinations of the PC hardware and Windows and drivers of the GPU or MSFS settings. It is not related to our device.

Click here to find a detailed description of how to handle with this issue.

... I have a connection issue.

General troubleshooting procedure:

  1. Delete logs file from C:\SimGaugesLogs.
  2. Disconnect all G1000 devices from the computer (unplug the USB cables from the computer). Leave the HDMI's and DC's in.
  3. Open Device Manager on the computer.
  4. Connect each Sim Gauges device one by one using the USB cables we provided. For test purposes, do not use any USB hubs, and check if new entries appear under the COM PORT section. Their names should start with "USB-SERIAL CH340". The full G1000 suite should display three entries with this name.
  5. Try a different USB port if any device is not detected when connected. (Some ports on desktop computers are older or of lower quality and may not detect all devices.)
  6. Once all three devices are visible in the list, launch Sim Gauges application.
  7. Start MSFS/X-Plane.
  8. After MSFS/X-Plane fully loads and you select an aircraft with the G1000, click "Connect" in my application.
  9. Wait for a moment (about 60 seconds) and check if everything works.
  10. If the above steps do not help, please send the log file from the folder C:\SimGaugesLogs with the description of the issue to

... other issue.

Did you check our instructions located above in the "HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE" tab? You can find there an algorithm on how to manage to connect your Sim Gauges devices to a PC and how to connect those to MSFS or X-Plane. If that wasn't enough or you have any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our support will be happy to help you.


Where I can find more info about shipping/return/payments?

All information about shipping can be found here - SHIPPING

All information about payments can be found here - PAYMENT METHODS

All information about returns can be found here - RETURNS

If something is still not clear, or you have a special request please feel free to contact us by e.g. contact form or direct email.


How to use stands to mount your device on Honeycomb?